Pinned9 signs you are growing…Here are 9 signs you are moving in the right direction even if it doesn’t feel like you are.Jul 8, 20241Jul 8, 20241
PinnedPanic Attacks and SmilesMe, trying to have a peaceful moment journaling and Blu not having it. Circa 2023 Location: Los AngelesApr 28, 2024Apr 28, 2024
PinnedA Letter to My Younger SelfThis is your daily reminder that you can literally lay down for people to walk on you and they will still complain you are not flat enough…Apr 1, 20232Apr 1, 20232
PinnedCuriosity didn’t kill the cat, complacency did…The curious cat wandered into uncharted territories and from the depths of the unknown emerged new ideas, innovation, and an insatiable…Mar 26, 20241Mar 26, 20241
The Great Awkward Turned into The Great AwakeningCivilization…oh hi. I forgot about you for the past 3 years…Jan 18, 20232Jan 18, 20232
Using AI-Powered Watson Discovery to Accelerate your Manual Repetitive Financial Processes…“the rate of AI adoption has continued to grow as 57% of companies now use AI in at least one business function, up from 45% in 2020.”Dec 1, 20221Dec 1, 20221
Guaranteed Karma: Volunteerism for the Socialites of Your Local CommunityGuaranteed Karma sits at the intersection of volunteering and community. Want more friends in your local city? Want to give back to your…Apr 14, 2022Apr 14, 2022
Removing the Shackles of JudgementCarl Jung once said, “Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.”Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022